Deadlines listed in the 2018 FAA Reauthorization Act.

  • Complete - Develop a comprehensive plan - Nov 10, 2012

  • Complete - Publish a comprehensive plan.
    Complete - Publish 5-year roadmap for the introduction of civil UAS into the national airspace system - Feb 14, 2013

  • Complete - Publish a sample of the safety justifications - Nov 4, 2018

  • Study on financing of UAS.
    C-UAS system review of inter-agency coordination processes - Dec 4, 2018

  • Program alignment report - Jan 3, 2019

  • Early implementation of certain UTM services - Feb 2, 2019

  • Applications for designation [No Fly Zones] - Mar 31, 2019

  • Public actively tethered UAS.
    Aeronautical knowledge and safety test.
    Recognition of community-based organizations.
    UAS privacy review.
    Study on fire department and emergency service agency use.
    Assessment of aircraft registration for sUAS.
    Federal and local authorities - Apr 3, 2019

  • Study on financing of UAS.
    C-UAS system review of inter-agency coordination processes - Jun 2, 2019

  • Update of FAA comprehensive plan.
    Use of UAS at institutions of higher education.
    Spectrum [radio].
    Commercial and governmental operators - Jul 2, 2019

  • Carriage of property rule update.
    Public safety threats and enforcement utility.
    Public UAS access to special use airspace - Oct 5, 2019

  • FAA enforcement report to congress - Oct 5, 2019 + Annually

  • Applications for designation (no-fly zone) final rule - Mar 31, 2020

  • Assessment of aircraft registration for small unmanned aircraft - Apr 3, 2020

November 10, 2012

§44802, included for importance to the 2018 Act.

Develop a Comprehensive Plan to safely accelerate the integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system.

  • Rulemaking.

  • Define standards for operation and certification of civil UAS.

  • Ensure that any civil unmanned aircraft system includes a sense-and-avoid capability.

  • Establish standards and requirements for the operator and pilot of a civil unmanned aircraft system, including standards and requirements for registration and licensing.

  • Phased-in approach to the integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system.

February 14, 2013

The Secretary shall submit the above plan to Congress.
The Secretary shall approve and make available in print and on the Administration’s internet website a 5-year roadmap for the introduction of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system.

November 4, 2018

Sec. 352.  Part 107 Transparency and Technology Improvements.
The Administrator shall publish on the FAA website a representative sample of the safety justifications, offered by applicants for small unmanned aircraft system waivers and airspace authorizations, that have been approved by the Administration.

December 4, 2018

Sec. 360.  Study on Financing of Unmanned Aircraft Services.
Shall initiate a study on appropriate fee mechanisms to recover the costs associated with governing and supporting UAS.

Sec. 364.  U.S. Counter-UAS System Review Of Interagency Coordination Processes.
Shall initiate a Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS) review.

January 3, 2019

Sec. 352.(b)  Technology Improvements.
Shall revise the Part 107 online waiver and certificates of authorization processes.

Sec. 342.(d)  Program Alignment Report.
Submit to the appropriate committees of Congress, a report that describes a strategy to—

  • Avoid duplication

  • Leverage capabilities learned across programs.

  • Support the safe integration of UAS into the national airspace.

  • Systematically and timely implement or execute—

    • (A) commercially-operated Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability.

    • (B) the Unmanned Aircraft System Integration Pilot Program.

    • (C) the Unmanned Traffic Management Pilot Program.

February 2, 2019

Sec. 377.  Early Implementation of Certain UTM Services.
Determine if certain UTM services may operate safely in the NAS before completion of the implementation plan required by section 376.

March 31, 2019

Sec. 369.  Applications For Designation.  [No Fly Zones]
Shall publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on prohibiting or restricting the operation of an unmanned aircraft in close proximity to a fixed site facility. Final rule 12 months later.

April 3, 2019

Sec. 346.(c)  Public Actively Tethered Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall permit the use of, and may issue guidance regarding, the use of public actively tethered unmanned aircraft systems.

Sec. 349.(g)  Aeronautical Knowledge and Safety Test.
Shall develop an aeronautical knowledge and safety test, which can then be administered electronically by the Administrator, a community-based organization, or a person designated by the Administrator.

Sec. 349.(i)  Recognition of Community-Based Organizations.
The Administrator shall publish an advisory circular that identifies the criteria and process required for recognition of Community-Based Organizations.

Sec. 358.  UAS Privacy Review.
Submit to appropriate committees of Congress a report on the privacy review required by section (a). This is a a review of the privacy issues and concerns associated with the operation of unmanned aircraft systems in the national airspace system.

Sec. 359.  Study on Fire Department and Emergency Service Agency Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
Shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on this study. [We didn’t find a start date for this study.]

Sec. 371.  Assessment of Aircraft Registration for Small Unmanned Aircraft.
Estimate and assess compliance with and the effectiveness of the registration of sUAS.  (Report results to Congress 1 year later.)

Sec. 373.  Federal and Local Authorities.
The Comptroller General of the United States shall -

  1. conduct a study on the relative roles of the Federal Government, State, local and Tribal governments in the regulation and oversight of low-altitude operations of unmanned aircraft systems in the national airspace system; and

  2. submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the study, including the Comptroller General’s findings and conclusions.

June 2, 2019

Sec. 360.(c) Study on Financing of Unmanned Aircraft Services.
REPORT TO CONGRESS. Not later than 180 days after initiating the study, the Comptroller General shall submit a report containing recommendations on appropriate fee mechanisms to recover the costs of regulating and providing air safety oversight of UA and UAS. Air Navigation Service costs will be included.

Sec. 364.(b) 180 days after initiating a review of Counter-UAS System Review Of Inter-agency Coordination Processes.
The FAA shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation in the Senate, and the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate, a report on the Administration’s activities related to C-UAS systems.

July 2, 2019

Sec. 342.  Update of FAA Comprehensive Plan.
DOT shall update the Comprehensive Plan described in 44802 with additional Considerations:

  • The potential use of UTM and other technologies to ensure the safe and lawful operation of unmanned aircraft in the national airspace system.

  • The appropriate roles, responsibilities, and authorities of government agencies and the private sector in identifying and reporting unlawful or harmful operations and operators of unmanned aircraft.   

  • The use of models, threat assessments, probabilities, and other methods to distinguish between lawful and unlawful operations of unmanned aircraft; and

  • appropriate systems, training, intergovernmental processes, protocols, and procedures to mitigate risks and hazards posed by unlawful or harmful operations of unmanned aircraft systems.

Sec. 350.  Use of UAS at Institutions of Higher Education.
The Federal Aviation Administration may establish regulations, procedures, and standards, as necessary, to facilitate the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems operated by institutions of higher education for educational or research purposes.   

Sec. 374.  Spectrum. [radio] 
Shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives a report —

  1. on whether unmanned aircraft systems operations should be permitted, but not required, to operate on spectrum that was recommended for allocation for AM(R)S and control links for UAS…    

  2. that addresses any technological, statutory, regulatory, and operational barriers to the use of such spectrum; and

  3. that, if it is determined that some spectrum frequencies are not suitable for beyond-visual-line-of-sight operations by unmanned aircraft systems, includes recommendations of other spectrum frequencies that may be appropriate for such operations.

Sec. 379.  Commercial and Governmental Operators.
The FAA shall make available on a single location of the DOT website —

  1. Any certificate of waiver or authorization issued to Federal, State, tribal or local governments within 30 days of issuance.

  2. A spreadsheet of UAS registrations updated quarterly.

  3. Summary descriptions and general purposes of public UA operations.

  4. Summary descriptions of common civil UA operations.

  5. Expiration date of any authorization of public or civil UA operations.

  6. Links to websites of State agencies that enforce any applicable privacy laws.

  7. For any UAS that will collect personally identifiable information about individuals including the use of facial recognition- ( See the bill for full details. )

October 5, 2019

Sec. 348. §44808.(a)  Carriage of Property by Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Compensation or Hire.
The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall update existing regulations to authorize the carriage of property by operators of small unmanned aircraft systems for compensation or hire within the United States.

Sec. 366.  Strategy for Responding to Public Safety Threats and Enforcement Utility of Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
The Federal Aviation Administration shall develop a comprehensive strategy to provide outreach to State and local governments and provide guidance for local law enforcement agencies and first responders with respect to-

  1. how to identify and respond to public safety threats posed by uas; and

  2. how to identify and take advantage of opportunities to use unmanned aircraft systems to enhance the effectiveness of local law enforcement agencies and first responders.

Sec. 368.  Public UAS Access to Special Use Airspace.
Shall issue guidance for the expedited and timely access to special use airspace for public unmanned aircraft systems in order to assist Federal, State, local, or tribal law enforcement organizations in conducting law enforcement, emergency response, or for other activities.

October 5, 2019 and annually thereafter

Sec. 372.  Enforcement.
Submit to the to the appropriate committees of Congress a report containing —

  • The number of unauthorized sUA operations detected in restricted airspace.

  • The number of enforcement case brought by the FAA.

  • Recommendations for safety and operational standards for UA detection and mitigation systems.

  • Recommendations for any legislative or regulatory changes related to mitigation or detections or identification of UAS.

(Sec. 372. “Sunset” proviso included here on September 30, 2021.)

March 31, 2020

Sec. 369.(e)  Applications for Designation.  [No-Fly Zones]
Shall publish Final Rule on prohibiting or restricting the operation of an unmanned aircraft in close proximity to a fixed site facility.

April 3, 2020

Sec. 371.  Assessment of Aircraft Registration for Small Unmanned Aircraft.
Report to Congress on the compliance with and the effectiveness of the registration of sUAS.

Unknown Deadlines

1 year after the conclusion of the UTM pilot program established in sec. 2208 of the FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016. - Complete the plan and submit to designated Congressional Committees.